Friday, June 3, 2011

For OnePoundOfFlesh

Christmas has come for you dear, time to receive your gift.

A small, cuddly .... tribute to you. A doll version of you as my imagination dictates

Personally, I think you look fantastic like this

Here's one of you with your friend and mine

Hope you like it, my bittersweet.

Note: For anyone who has just happened onto this... if you know who this guy is and what this is about then have a cookie.

If not... well... I'm not explaining it to you :p
Best go look at the moogles or bunnies instead


  1. KnitWolf- Simply Fabulous. I need not say a thing further. Until Next Time. Me.

  2. I'm very happy that you like it. It's incredibly rare for me to base a stuffed toy on a person... but then, you are something special
