I am super happy to say that I'll be bringing my geeky knits to Sci Fi on the Rock 5 in April, so come by and check out my table
The convention is taking place at the Holiday Inn in St. John's from April 15-17 . You can read more about it at
www.scifiontherock.comAlso, I've been knitting away on several projects, so here are two of the latest
A Cheep-Cheep

A little cuddle fish (hurr hurr) based on the Super Mario Bros. enemy
The latest in my line of cryptids: The Chuppacabra

Based on the description given in eyewitness accounts, then cutified in my usual way, this little, one-fanged chuppacabra is sure to add some quirky fun to anyone's collection. He doesn't take up much space and only needs to be fed half a goat every other week
Both of these are available at knitwolf.etsy.com
Congratulations on your sci-fi on the rock table! That should be an excellent venue your crafts. Hope you get some great sales out of it.