Hello all
Usually I use this blog to showcase my knitting and to keep you informed of where you can find me; both online and at locall markets.
However something has been on my mind that I think really needs to be said, so I hope you'll bear with me while I put down my needles and get on my soap box for a moment.
Okay... this may sound all dopey and cliched, but I love St. John's; in fact, I'm pretty fond of Newfoundland in general and the rest of Canada is just dandy too. I like to see local artists and crafters do well and I enjoyed being right there along with them at the flea market, and probably will again at the farmers market.
When I decided to start selling my knitting on Etsy my first idea was that this would be a Canada shipping only store because I figured that it would be more expensive to ship to the US and I was really hesitant to ship anywhere outside of North America, because when I was talking to a person at the post office about shipping (trying to figure out my rates) I was told it was probably going to cost a lot.
Well, it's been a while and I've sold a couple things and gotten quotes for interested parties and all I can say is wow, was I wrong. It costs significantly less to ship to the US or all the way to Europe than to ship something across this province. I don't understand why this is. Is the shipping path that trecherous here in Canada? Are our fine postal workers fending off dragons and mauraders as they bravely deliver packages through the Canadian wilderness?
Seriously though, I'm currently tweaking my shipping costs because of this, so that I won't lose out if I send a stuffed toy from here to Corner Brook. If you've noticed the changes and are unhappy, I'm sorry but that's all I can do. It's got me wondering if I should just stop selling in Canada, which I don't want to do because as I said I like being here right along with the local talent, selling my knitting in this province and this country.
I don't know, maybe someone out there can explain to me why the shipping is the way it is, but from where I stand right now, it looks terribly backward to me.
Ah well... thanks for reading my rant. I'm going to get down off the soap box and pick up my needles again. I'll be posting new projects soon.
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